Lachiguiri Artist

There are now over 60 artist from the village of Lachiguiri. Each show their own personality in their work. Each piece is signed and numbered.

October 10, 2005

Adelma Hernandez Montiel

Adelma was the first person of the village to sign up for art lessons. True she had a tremendous need to earn a living but her hands are badly deformed. Would she be able to paint? Well the bug above was one of her first endeavors. The others above are some of her recent pieces of art. It is getting more difficult to tell her work from many of the other good artist.
She is a delightful person and enjoys singing songs like "La Cucaracha" as she paints. Adelma is a single mom with two young children, a boy age 7 and a girl about 5. Her daughter was taken away from her by neighbors when she was two years old and wisked off to the city. Because Adelma is now beginning to earn money selling her rock art she has now gone to the authorities and it looks like she should soon get her daughter back.


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